Initiatives taken by BFI

Ø We have given a memorandum to the Forest minister of West Bengal, India, regarding the conservation of Bedia community. Also we have given memorandum to all block level officials.

Ø We organized some district level health camp for Bedia people. We made an arrangement for free treatment of Bedia people in KPC Medical Collage Hospital at Jadevpure, Kolkata.

Ø We have distributed blanket and mosquito curtain to the Bedia people.

Ø We have given book and educational items to the meritorious Bedia students.

Ø We have rescued number of snake form various locality and given to forest department for preservation.

Ø We regularly organize awareness campaign in schools and collages.

Ø We circulate books, CD, and printed materials in routine manner for awareness purpose.

Ø We have taken a powerful effort to protect the Bedia language “MANGTA” and Bedia culture.

Ø In the flagship of BFI we organized number of demonstration rally and meetings.

Ø We organized seminar regarding the treatment of snakebite. The experts and the scientists are there to discuss the various issues about the subject.

Ø We have taken an effort to organize a rescue team in every single district.

Ø We are organizing movement for separate snakebite medical center in every government hospital.

Ø We demand a course on snakebite treatment in school level education.

Ø We are working to flow BFI in every level in India. Also we are taken to introduce our organization to Bangladesh.

Ø We demand that every Bedia should come in the minimum education program of Government. We are proud to inform you that the first people form Bedia community Bapi Shapuriya passed 10th standard. And BFI promise to help Bapi in every possible manner.

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