What happened after snakebite: mountain of misconception.

More then 800 thousand case of snakebite registered in India every year. This record is only of those people that came to the hospital or health centers. A big number of people still don’t come to hospital. They prefer to go to ‘Ojha’, ‘Gunin’ (the self-claimed god man who treat with magic remedies). No one knows the data of this people.
Another big issue is that Doctors can’t identify the snakebite. They use to confuse that whether it is snakebite or not. If the person confirms that it was a snake which had bitten him then Doctors again confuse that whether the snake is poisonous or non poisonous.
It is a problem of most of the Doctors in India can’t identify the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous snakebite.
Doctors wait for the signals form body. In many case they start anti venom doses where the bite was non poisonous. Some Doctors ask the family or friends to bring the snake after killing. We strongly condemn this.
Another problem is still there. In many places of India the anti venom doses is not available. We found in much rural hospital as well as city hospital don’t preserve anti venom. We demand to the government to make mandatory to maintain the anti venom stock.
After our movement the situation changed quite a bit. But still lots of effort need to rich the goal. The active cooperation form all authorities needed. We seek your voice too. Believe it, you can change the world.
This all are problems. We recommended some solution for it.We said it needs renewed awareness program regarding the snake and snakebite. The doctors should more responsible regarding the treatment of snakebite. We demand a proactive treatment facility for snakebite in every hospital and health centers.
We demand to the government that to involve the snake charmers in treatment process. As they know the snake and easily they can identify the snakebite. They know more than any one about the symptoms of poisonous and non-poisonous snakebite.If the snake charmers/ Bedia get the proper training of the treatment then a big workforce can work for better health of the society.

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