Venom mafia

May it your first encounter with the word Venom mafia. Yes, we first disclose the racket of black marketers of venom. They collect snake form the snake charmers in maximum Rs.50-100 and sale the venom in minimum of Rs10, 000/ gram. In every single time a snake produce 10 gram of venom. That means Rs. 100,000 they take the chance of poverty among the snake charmers.

Venom is used for medicine purpose. A big numbers of lifesaving drugs produces by the venom. Snake charmers never get proper price of venom. They can’t sale the venom to the government or any authorized agency.
There are some influential people who collect the venom form snake charmers by unethical way. Some time they use mussel power or some time they exploit the poverty of the snake charmers. These people are very influential in the society. They use their connection to officials and authorities. Somewhere they get political supports.
In many incidents in India, we found that the some forest officer is involved with this type of mafia. Some of them were punished but this racket is still intact in India. Not only they are helping these mafias, they are also killing the nature. The amount of the black markets of venom is gigantic. We don’t know the actual volume of the mafia business but in real field we can understand the fact.
Not only venom the skin of the snake is also a big part of this mafia business. In one an alternative day we can find the news of illegal trafficking of forest product. Now this is the ultimate time to protest against these activities.
We demand government should crack down the racket between mafia and some ethic less forest officers. We demand Bedia /snake charmers should get the right of sale venom to proper authority.
We have received direct and indirect threats form venom mafia. They are trying to abolish our organization. But we are ready to fight against this venom mafia. We only need your support.

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