Snake man of India

Raktim Das: A warrior’s dream

"Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you

'll join us And the world will live as one"

John Lennon

Raktim das is a mid thirty social activist. One of the most potential youth voice form West Bengal , India. Raktim is the General Secretary of Bedia Federation of India. His powerful word and dexterous pen made him a natural leader of the youth. He is a popular science activist in India. Not only that he is a thinker, writer and a warrior against social injustices.

A boy of class eight usually came form school with friends. In roadside he saw every day the snake charmers demonstrating snakes. The little boy got interest. He wanted to know about the snake, and snake charmers. When all of his friends were mesmerized with cartoons and comics he use to read about snakes and nature.

The boy involved with a science organization. He came to know the truth behind many miracles. He already understood many things about the snake. His interest on snake became a passion.

At around 10th standard the boy read the article on Che Guevara. It looked like his world became change. He got interest in politics, sociology, economy and human psychology. He started more readings and got more interest on it.

Now the boy turned to be a young man. Became a very popular youth leader of the science movement. Also he became one of the prominent snake lovers in India. In this process he came to know many snake charmers. He was experienced with their life and livings.
Young Raktim already understood that Bedia com
munity should fight for themselves. There was no one to motivate them for fight back. They knew nothing about their fundamental rights. He started towards his new journey. Under the flagship of BFI snake charmers first came out and demonstrate awareness program regarding snake.

But the journey was never trouble-free. It was tough to make Bedia community understand the vision and more tough to organize them in a proper manner. But Raktim knew them for long time. Th
ey also knew Raktim as there own man. They came together and formed Bedia Federation of India.

Raktim wrote a book in Bengali language called
“Bedia Janajti O Sap”, regarding Bedia community and snake. All most every media of India covered BFI as the first organization of snake charmers allover the world. Raktim rescue over 100 poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes and send then in safe place. In 2008 a poisonous snake while rescue bit Raktim. After 12days of ICU treatment he recovered. Now he is working to establish a snake firm along with the snake charmers.

In an invitation form Cyprus government Raktim went to Europe in 2009. He gave his lectures in four countries like Italy, France, Sweden and Holland regarding the culture of snake ch
armers. The lectures were highly appreciated by the experts form all over the world.

Raktim got a very remarkable award in the year2009. He got Life Time Achievement Award form P. C SORKER UNIVERSITY
OF MAGIC. He got many more achievement in this young age, but still he is walking to the new society for another day. We wish long life to this young expeditionist towards the light.

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