What happened after snakebite: mountain of misconception.

More then 800 thousand case of snakebite registered in India every year. This record is only of those people that came to the hospital or health centers. A big number of people still don’t come to hospital. They prefer to go to ‘Ojha’, ‘Gunin’ (the self-claimed god man who treat with magic remedies). No one knows the data of this people.
Another big issue is that Doctors can’t identify the snakebite. They use to confuse that whether it is snakebite or not. If the person confirms that it was a snake which had bitten him then Doctors again confuse that whether the snake is poisonous or non poisonous.
It is a problem of most of the Doctors in India can’t identify the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous snakebite.
Doctors wait for the signals form body. In many case they start anti venom doses where the bite was non poisonous. Some Doctors ask the family or friends to bring the snake after killing. We strongly condemn this.
Another problem is still there. In many places of India the anti venom doses is not available. We found in much rural hospital as well as city hospital don’t preserve anti venom. We demand to the government to make mandatory to maintain the anti venom stock.
After our movement the situation changed quite a bit. But still lots of effort need to rich the goal. The active cooperation form all authorities needed. We seek your voice too. Believe it, you can change the world.
This all are problems. We recommended some solution for it.We said it needs renewed awareness program regarding the snake and snakebite. The doctors should more responsible regarding the treatment of snakebite. We demand a proactive treatment facility for snakebite in every hospital and health centers.
We demand to the government that to involve the snake charmers in treatment process. As they know the snake and easily they can identify the snakebite. They know more than any one about the symptoms of poisonous and non-poisonous snakebite.If the snake charmers/ Bedia get the proper training of the treatment then a big workforce can work for better health of the society.

Returning form death: A rescue report

4th November 2008. A phone call came in the Raktim’s mobile phone. Raktim Das is the General Secretary of BFI. The person informed Raktim that a snake entered in there room. He requested Raktim to rescue the snake. He also said it seems a poisonous snake and that people was trying to kill the snake.
It was nothing new for the Raktim. He rescues over 100 poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes before that. After receive the call Raktim and one of his associates went there. The place calls Hosenpure. Near to kolkata. They took their hand made snake stick.
After reaching the place Raktim found there were a big crowed who is preparing to kill the snake. First Raktim asked the people to live the place and let him work. The people were in fear, shaken and in mass historic situation.
Raktim saw the snake and identified. It was Russell Viper. This is a highly poisonous snake. The snake was injured. With all previous experience Raktim knew that this was a dangerous situation.
People were shouting to Raktim for bring the snake in under control.
Raktim almost made the job done. Suddenly the snake turn bake and bit Raktim. It happen so rapid that an expert like Raktim couldn’t make him escape. It was paining. Raktim understood that immediately he should be hospitalized. But he can’t go with out rescue the snake.
He rescued the snake. Put the snake in safe box. Time was going on. The hospital was some kilometers away. Raktim knew that some more time could take his life. He asked for a car but it might take some more time.
Raktim started his bike. It was paining allover the body. He had to ride the bike till to the hospital. In middle of the rode it seemed impossible for him to ride the bike. But he had to go to save his own life.
You may think it is like a Hollywood movie. But believe my friend sometime real life is 100 times more adventurous then a movie.

 The treatment started. The members of BFI came to the hospital. No one knew whether his or her favorite leader would survive or not. All local and national media gathered in the hospital. But the situation of Raktim was going out of the control.
Government and local authority was trying there best. Political leaders, social activists, doctors were doing what they can. But Rokitm got in paralyses.
After using 25 ampoules of PVS and number of dialysis Raktim came out of risk. After spending 12 days in ICU Raktim became in normal life.
But does Raktim and his associates care about that? No. Not after a week form relishing hospital Raktim and his friends went another rescue operation. The associates of BFI are doing the same thing each and every day. They are fighting to save snake, snake charmers and nature

Fist aid of snakebite

Most of the people gone confused and shaken when they found that a snake bite there any friend or any family member. Here are some important points, which always should remember
Ø Never allow the crowed in front of the peasant. Don’t create panic in front of the affected person. Make him understand that proper treatment will make him/her cure.
Ø Never make any tight knot near the bite. Make some normal knot in distance of 6-8 inches form one another. Confirm that two finger can be push inside the knot. Relies the knot after every 20 minutes.
Ø Wash the bitten place with fresh water.
Ø Don’t let the person to walk much. Take him the hospital. And start P.A.V.S treatment.
Ø If is any tooth of snake in the bitten place then remove it by yarn.
Ø Beater not to give any food or drink to the person. If there is a vomiting then lay down the person in a bed in fort side to the earth position

Snake man of India

Raktim Das: A warrior’s dream

"Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you

'll join us And the world will live as one"

John Lennon

Raktim das is a mid thirty social activist. One of the most potential youth voice form West Bengal , India. Raktim is the General Secretary of Bedia Federation of India. His powerful word and dexterous pen made him a natural leader of the youth. He is a popular science activist in India. Not only that he is a thinker, writer and a warrior against social injustices.

A boy of class eight usually came form school with friends. In roadside he saw every day the snake charmers demonstrating snakes. The little boy got interest. He wanted to know about the snake, and snake charmers. When all of his friends were mesmerized with cartoons and comics he use to read about snakes and nature.

The boy involved with a science organization. He came to know the truth behind many miracles. He already understood many things about the snake. His interest on snake became a passion.

At around 10th standard the boy read the article on Che Guevara. It looked like his world became change. He got interest in politics, sociology, economy and human psychology. He started more readings and got more interest on it.

Now the boy turned to be a young man. Became a very popular youth leader of the science movement. Also he became one of the prominent snake lovers in India. In this process he came to know many snake charmers. He was experienced with their life and livings.
Young Raktim already understood that Bedia com
munity should fight for themselves. There was no one to motivate them for fight back. They knew nothing about their fundamental rights. He started towards his new journey. Under the flagship of BFI snake charmers first came out and demonstrate awareness program regarding snake.

But the journey was never trouble-free. It was tough to make Bedia community understand the vision and more tough to organize them in a proper manner. But Raktim knew them for long time. Th
ey also knew Raktim as there own man. They came together and formed Bedia Federation of India.

Raktim wrote a book in Bengali language called
“Bedia Janajti O Sap”, regarding Bedia community and snake. All most every media of India covered BFI as the first organization of snake charmers allover the world. Raktim rescue over 100 poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes and send then in safe place. In 2008 a poisonous snake while rescue bit Raktim. After 12days of ICU treatment he recovered. Now he is working to establish a snake firm along with the snake charmers.

In an invitation form Cyprus government Raktim went to Europe in 2009. He gave his lectures in four countries like Italy, France, Sweden and Holland regarding the culture of snake ch
armers. The lectures were highly appreciated by the experts form all over the world.

Raktim got a very remarkable award in the year2009. He got Life Time Achievement Award form P. C SORKER UNIVERSITY
OF MAGIC. He got many more achievement in this young age, but still he is walking to the new society for another day. We wish long life to this young expeditionist towards the light.


Send your donation to

Bedia federation of India
32/2, Phoolbagan Road (Ground floor)
kolkata –700086
West Bengal .India
e-mail- bediafederationindia@gmail.com


Bedia Federation of India formed 17Feb 2007. This is the first organization of snake charmers in allover the world.

Vidyasagar Mela 2007
Book relies of Raktim Das

Dear Friend,
We, the only organization of socially & economically backward Indian Bedia Community(snake charmer), the BEDIA FEDERATION OF INDIA will held the 1st State Conference on 17th, Feb.08 , 10 am at Kutu Sapuria Mancha( Moulali Yuba Ke
ndra, Sealdah. kolkata).We invite you & your organisation to join & make the Conference successful.
With Greetings
Raktim Das Rahit sapuria
Preparation Committee

  • Save Snake.Save Bedia. Save Earth
17th Feb. 2009

Open conference of Bedia’s organized by BFI at Metro channel in Kolkata.


Red Salute for
Our well wisher
Late Joyti Basu

Late Subhas Chakroborty
Bedia Federation of India