Our view about Hisss

Recently we have come to know about the news of making of a new Hollywood film based on mythological concept of snake. One of Indian actors Maika Sherwat, the protagonist is depicting a supernatural snake.  We have come to know the story line of the cinema. This type of cinema not only destroying the practice of good cinema but it is also creating a misrepresentation of    Indian culture, history and social prestige. It will carry a wrong message to Indian people and bring unscientific notion about snake in the mind of the people. When a country like India belonging to third world has been moving towards the science and rationality then this type of film will hamper the rationalistic movement.
            In India when snake charmers are moving towards the science then this type of cinema will back bite this movement. When all over the world working for awareness of snake and snake charmers then this cinema hamper the total movement. As ANACONDA displayed the half truth and some unproved myth, this cinema also performs the same.
 Whereas Indian actress Mallika, dressed in a peculiar manner,  is looking half human and half snake combining the features of mammals and reptiles. She is looking vulgar with colored hair and in sexy outfit. We all know snake doesn’t have   hair and fingers as  a duck has. but here Mallika is being manifested so. Snake is not a mammal so they don’t have barest but Mallika is a very good looking woman.

We strongly protest this view

Hisss ! once again a deprivation to the destiny of the indian Bedia / Snakecharmers

Hisss, a film is released also once again with the help of Hollywood and as well as with the support of the story of a snake girl or in-tented  snake girl.
the indian bedias or snake charmers is usually deprived like past or previous in this film. Not only that, a cock and bull story of the intented snake girl is also made through the voice of a snakecharmer. Consequently, superstition is scattered by leaps and bounds.
Can be told or assure that how many days will be going on such practice by the filmmakers by using the bedias or snakecharmer forcibly repatedly in one after another film ?

How can give the indian censor board release such and unscientific film, interrogation or question may be arrisen to this effect ?
As the government has taken away or snatched off the snaks from our snakecharmer by dint of the wild animal act, as the trade ship going on in this film by showing the snakes ?
What is the reaction of the government higher officials ?
In question it is necessary to inform you that the filmmakers of the film communicated or contacted with us through email and told that they like to help the snake charmers.
Mallika Sherwat also likes to close contacted with us with the strength of support of our demand.
we congratulate or welcome her spontaneous desire. she has also  established  her strong protest in the publicity media over this issue. They repeatedly plan fully or motivatedly  told us through email that they had informed us what to do because so that we can not protest any how. They thereafter like to utilize us in respect of the publicity. we can realize that they are engaged to gate back their returns or earnings by utilizing us skillfully with the publicity work of the film. And arrangement had also been made so that the release work of the film be accomplished without protest.
we like to say in this blogg that all are welcome to stand by in against of such deprivation. None can play drake and drakes over this poor helpless, hapless and home less bedias or snakecharmer community like this filmmakers of this film, hisss.
kindly post your strong protest in our blog.